• I will have polls prior to every board meeting in which give the membership an opportunity to have a voice in the topics being discussed and the decisions being made.

    Examples of what this would look like, if I was currently on the board, at the links below.

    2022/09/20 Board Meeting Poll

    2022/10/25 Board Meeting Poll

  • This election may run significantly into 2023. If I’m elected and the current A3 director (Kevin Collins) already has plans in place for the 2023 Area 3 Championship, I will not interfere with or change those plans and the 2023 match will proceed as planned.

    For 2024 and onward, I intend to delegate the role of Area 3 Championship Match Director to the person/proposal chosen by popular vote. The process will go as follows:

    Cutoff Date: 2023/10/31
    If you are interested in being the 2024 Area 3 Match Director, please submit your full proposal to Faust9057@gmail.com no later than this date. I have provided an optional template here that may use in full or part.

    Voting: 2023/11/01 - 2023/11/15
    This link will go live once voting begins, and notifications will go out. Everyone will be able to view and vote upon their preferred proposal.

    Results Reported: 2023/11/16
    The winning proposal will be announced, and planning the event will proceed.


  • Cut-Off Date: 2022/10/01
    All petitions are due and the list of candidates is compiled.

    Voting: 2022/11/15 - 2022/12/16
    All eligible voters should receive an electronic ballot.

    Results Reported: 2022/12/31
    If no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes cast, a run-off election will be conducted between the two lead candidates.

    Run-Off Voting: 2023/02/14 - 2023/03/17
    All eligible voters should receive an electronic ballot.

    Run-Off Results Reported: 2023/04/01

  • Mason Lane:
    "Luke's most important qualification is his personality. Luke is not disagreeable or confrontational, but he’s capable of both. He lives by a tight code of ethics and holds himself to an impressive standard of personal conduct. He is open to new ideas but he lives with conviction and is completely at peace existing in disagreement with his peers. These traits would make him an invaluable asset to the membership as a voting BOD member. He will not move with the pack and his focus on maintaining accountability and transparency will be unwavering.

    Luke is a competitor in the truest sense. He treats practical shooting (and all other areas of his life) like a martial art; with total discipline and focus. In his interactions with officials and competitors Luke conducts himself to the highest imaginable standard of professionalism and transparency, yet he understands the pain points that competitors face both in terms of equity issues and major match logistics.

    Luke is an outstanding candidate for this position and would bring needed change to his immediate constituency and the organization at large."

  • Free Speech
    Taking disciplinary action against members for expressing their opinions is absolutely disgraceful. No amount of pressure or coercion will ever get me to vote in favor of such actions.

    Financial Integrity
    The organization’s current use of its finances falls somewhere between questionable and unethical. I will push for much more restrictive spending, and a complete review and analysis of all current expenditures.

    Video recorded board meetings, detailed publicly available financial records, and elimination of executive session abuse are reasonable expectations of the organization that I will work towards making a reality.

  • #1: Why are you seeking to be an Area Director of USPSA?
    I intend to try and save USPSA from the atrocious path it has begun down of terrible event logistics, complete financial mismanagement, and baseless member suspensions.

    #2: Prior to announcing your candidacy, what have you done to help promote safe, fun and fair practical shooting in your area?
    I am a match director at Osseo Gun Club, an indoor range in Minnesota.

    #3: What qualifications set you apart from other candidates? What previous or current employment or volunteer experience do you have that qualifies you for Area Director?
    A set of personal traits which are uniquely suited for solving the organization’s current set of problems: an unwavering moral compass combined with aggression, tenacity, and a willingness for uncomfortable confrontation.

    #5: After reviewing the bylaws, please explain what an Area Director of USPSA is responsible for and how will you fulfill those responsibilities if elected?
    (1) Representing their area during board meetings.
    I will have polls prior to every board meeting in which give the membership an opportunity to have a voice in the topics being discussed and the decisions being made.

    (2) Running or delegating an area match.
    I will have a template in which any club within the area can submit their proposal for hosting the area match, then using the same polling system the members will decide where the area match is held.

    Examples of exactly what this system will look like can be found right now at www.faust.systems/area3.

    #6: What are the top three areas that need to be addressed within USPSA? As an Area Director what is your strategy for addressing them?
    (1) Free Speech: Taking disciplinary action against members for expressing their opinions is absolutely disgraceful. No amount of pressure or coercion will ever get me to vote in favor of such actions.

    (2) Financial Integrity: The organization’s current use of its finances falls somewhere between questionable and unethical. I will push for much more restrictive spending, and a complete review and analysis of all current expenditures.

    (3) Transparency: Video recorded board meetings, detailed publicly available financial records, and elimination of executive session abuse are reasonable expectations of the organization that I will work towards making a reality.

    #8: After reviewing Article 5 bylaw 5.1 please provide an outline of your strategy for items i) through vi)

    (i) financial strategy, including budget, planning and investment strategies,
    Every single expense needs to be analyzed. Many could easily be reduced or eliminated. This organization has enough money coming in to do great things, just need to stop the frivolous expenditures.

    (ii) membership recruitment and retention strategies,
    A better public image with less scandal and more transparency.

    (iii) marketing strategies,
    More modern marketing schemes, leveraging social media platforms for a much better return per dollar spent than current strategies such as the magazine.

    (iv) strategies for the format and location of National Championships,
    Establish a consistent structure and flow each year which culminates with a national event(s). Poll the membership to determine details.

    (v) strategies for the establishment and/or management of relationships with other shooting organizations, including IPSC
    Our rulesets keep drifting farther and farther apart. We need to step back and evaluate if that is the way we want to continue going and consider a significant course correction. Poll the membership to determine course of action. Also, the current process for selecting and supporting shooters going to world shoot lacks the level of transparency needed.

    (vi) review and ratification of National Range Officer Institute (NROI) policies and procedures.
    Apply basic logistical principles, evaluate all perspectives, poll the membership.

    #9: Explain your strategy to best represent the members in your area as it relates to your role of Area Director and member of the Board of Directors.
    For all major decisions to be voted on during board meetings, such as bylaws or rules changes, I will poll the membership before voting and vote in accordance with their wishes.

    #10: What is USPSA doing right?
    The structure of the sport - from hit factor scoring as well as a variety of other attributes - make this sport the absolute best way to develop and refine practical firearm proficiency.

    #11: If elected, what other issues would you want to address and what is your strategy for addressing them?
    See above; all the primary issues have already been discussed. I have lots of other ideas in regards to divisional changes, better compensation for match staff, cash prizes, eliminating incentives to cheat the classifier system, etc. All these ideas would be pushed to the membership for majority vote approval before I would bring them to the board.

    #12: If you are unsuccessful in your bid to become Area Director, how will you serve USPSA in the future?
    Keep doing the same stuff I’ve been doing, running and attending matches.